nonequilibrium thermodynamics

  • 非平衡态热力学;不可逆过程热力学;不平衡热力学
nonequilibrium thermodynamicsnonequilibrium thermodynamics
  1. An application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics on nuclides migration behavior study


  2. Applications of nonequilibrium thermodynamics on short & range disastrous weather prediction


  3. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics model for converter liquid steel decarburization process


  4. Application of Harmonic Mapping in Linear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics


  5. On the principle of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for chemical reactions


  6. In this paper , on the basis of nonequilibrium thermodynamics separation theory , the separation model of capillary electrophoresis is established .


  7. A one-dimensional , finite strain , viscoelastic constitutive model is proposed according to the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and its internal variable theory .


  8. ( S ) According to nonequilibrium thermodynamics , a mathematical model on the relationship between strain gradient and electric potential gradient is presented .


  9. The Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Laser


  10. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics , dissipative structures and Dialectics


  11. A review with 37 references , concerning the separation models of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and network thermodynamics of charge-mosaic membrane .


  12. The research of the thermodynamics is divided into the research of the equilibrium thermodynamics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics according to the state of objects of study .


  13. By means of the stochastic theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics the thermodynamical and the statistical problems concerned with the absolute rate theory are commented .


  14. The possible mechanism of the fractal structures is discussed in terms of nonequilibrium thermodynamics of irreversible processes and a nucleation aggregation model is proposed .


  15. Based on Energy postulate and Generalized field synergism , derived from nonequilibrium thermodynamics and energy conservation , this paper investigates the general format for impetus of mass transfer .


  16. The minimal value principle of the generalized energy is demonstrated using the atmosphere nonlinear dynamics . It is demonstrated more theoretically that the minimal value principle is coincident to the principle of least entropy production in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of atmosphere .


  17. According to the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and kinetics , the phenomena of coupled chemical reaction have been analyzed . The results showed whether the phenomena of coupled chemical reaction happen or not are relationship with sign of chemical affinities and phenomenological coefficients .


  18. A complete systematization of modern thermodynamics & a new field of nonequilibrium nondissipative thermodynamics


  19. Up to now , the principle of minimum entropy production has been demonstrated only using the Onsager linear phenomenological relation in the nonequilibrium state thermodynamics .
